Monday 19 December 2011

Sleepless nights spent with the Lord

After many more sleepless nights.....but I could always sleep at least a couple of hours before midnight, which is the best sleep anyways, so I am not worried...........the sleepless hours have been spent in communication with my Lord Jesus - receiving the blessings He's been sending my way over the years - always not sure, I deserved them - doubting myself. But finally I don't doubt it anymore, but I wholeheartedly receive them!!! He is my very best friend ever, and such a generous one at that. What a relief, that someone is so generous toward me....and He doesn't want anything back - just my love, and that's so easy!!!

On Sunday I went to church here in Oberägeri, and it was absolutely amazing, again making me see clearer. 

This time here in Switzerland is marked by seeing very good friends - I feel so blessed - they're all (or I should say most of them) making room to see me - thank you Lord for these wonderful friendships, that you gave me.

I love you, Abba Father - guess what: on Tuesday I am going to see Abba, the Musical - I was such a huge fan as a teenager - that's quite the treat.

God truly is in control - Hallelujah 

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