Tuesday 13 December 2011

Amazed.....to Speechless

Today we had a meeting, my son's teacher, the principal and the resource teacher at the school (A Christian School that is) - I don't know, if I mentioned, that the principal and the school have been backing me in this journey - my son is still a student of his Christian School - and this is a Christian School in the true sense: Acceptance of all students, every single one matters.... - I personally am eternally grateful for all they've been doing for my son.....they continuously extend and extended Christ's Love to us. The principal has become a very dear friend......in the midst of all this struggle..... - I value her as a woman of wisdom and great character. She is such a woman of God - a true inspiration to me. 

The board had to approve of the new teaching plan for my son, when we first discussed 'home' schooling - and they did. So very grateful for that.....and I can tell you they easily could have expelled my son from the school all together, and I could not have blamed them....but they're hanging in there with me - what a privilege to call this school mine (well maybe I should say: the school that my kids go to) - but it feels like mine:) I would defend the school with my life, if I had to. They've blessed so many families and are continuing to grow. I can see that God has great plans for this school. Now, back to the board.....they did approve back in October of this year, to facilitate the schooling for my son in a different format - today the principal shared with me, that one of the board members had shared at a board meeting, that his special Joy this year was, that they could make this happen for my son. What an amazing statement - that my son would matter this much!!! They're really walking alongside us and I am so grateful.

I am in absolute awe, when I look at the many blessings, my Jesus has prepared for me. What a special friend He is. 

My nanny is sick - so this week I am juggling all alone again.....add to the normal load some packing and getting all Christmas preparation done....and some major back pain - but it's amazing, even in all this, i rejoice over all the things He is doing and preparing for me.....

Since He is in the Miracle Business, I placed a couple of miracles I wish for this Christmas with Him......... - I will keep you posted, when the time is ripe. Right now, all I can say:
I have received my Christmas Gift already!!!

In case you wonder, what that is: - He has set me free to fly :) - I can leave my burdens at His feet, and don't have to snatch them back anymore. For I trust Him with my life and that of my children and my original family, too!!! - I can almost see forever...............and I am forever grateful for His steadfast love and that He'll never quit until He is through.....and He's committed to finish the work He started within us. 

Don't I just have the most wonderful Daddy??? He loves me so much, makes me cry - and when I grasp His promises, I am simply overwhelmed!!!

In Christ alone

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