Wednesday 7 December 2011

Eternal Love this Christmas Season for all mankind!!!

December 7th, 2011

It's been a while - it's just such a busy time of the year.....

Two days ago I was driving to Toronto, to go Christmas Shopping with my niece.....and as I was listening to Christmas Music, I was praying out loud about all kinds of things.....I was flooded with such gratitude toward my Special Friend and Saviour, that I was in tears.....almost not being able to contain it. He's delivered me from so many strongholds in the past.....and He is still working in me, to set me free from self doubt and insecurities. He has healed my heart in so many ways and I am so much stronger than I was one year ago - never mind 17 years ago.....- it's simply amazing what He is doing in my life right now - and in retrospect, what He has been doing over the last 2+ decades.

He has been at work in me continually and He has truly changed me from Glory to Glory - and He's  not finished with me......but with each hardship that He has proven, that He truly is right beside me, I am filled with TRUST (yes, in capital letters:)) for my Jesus.....I know now, more than ever before, that ALL IS WELL WITH MY SOUL - and that with Him I can endure all things!!! 

What describes this most wonderful relationship is: Honesty and Truth.....not to forget Trust and Faith from my side and Faithfulness from His part, paired with the most tender heart. All that I was ever longing for, has come true. He loves me with such tender love and just how we as parents think about things to surprise our children with, so He is preparing our place for us in Heaven - and on the way, we're being showered with such tremendous blessings here on earth. I feel so loved and cherished. None of my earthly relationships (and here I talk of any relationship: Daughter, Sister, Mother, Friend, Employee and Employer, Lover) could give me this sense of being accepted and loved so completely. And even though I am still hoping and praying, that there will be a godly man that I could share all this with.....I know, that what I have today will suffice for eternity.

I am in awe - and I am so thankful. My prayer is, that this Christmas Season, The hearts of all mankind would be wide open, to receive the Love of Christ.........for the world is in need of His saving Grace!!! 

Your sister in Christ - forever and ever!!!

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