Thursday 23 February 2012

Back in the Saddle again....

It's been a while - I honestly feel as if I ran a double or triple marathon or if a truck ran right over me.....the last 2 weeks have been tough - I wrote about the meeting we had beginning of February, that rendered me helpless and back in this old insecure frightened little me - God did come through for me since, but then just a week later, another attack came.....but both instances so short one after the other and then another 'little' attack on my birthday.....found me doubting the promises of God and wondering if it was maybe a counterfeit and it was all not real.....

But through reading my bible, asking God, to show me what He wanted me to do, talking to some really close friends - seeking godly counsel - praying - and then finally, yesterday, as I went to the visitation of a dear fatherly friend of mine - having approx. 3 hours to myself, to collect my thoughts, to pray - and to calm my senses.....allowing God's Spirit to flow though me, I knew that All was well with my soul!!! He's shown me, that He is real and that He has not given me a spirit of fear - but that He has given me the Holy Spirit, to courageously keep walking in His Strength to do what He is asking me to do - to further His Kingdom!!!

I know for a fact today, that, when I am filled with the Spirit, I can trust, that my experiences are real. No counterfeit at all - All is real!!! What God reveals to you, that is true, without a shadow of a doubt. Beth Moore said on her Facebook page, that the anointing God gives to you, is real and no counterfeit. It was what I needed to hear. I am always amazed, how God just knows what you need to hear or read.

Yesterday as I got together with a dear friend of mine, for our weekly bible study - we shared about what is going on in our lives, and through sharing some of my challenges, I realized, that I was way stronger, than I gave myself credit for - that God was holding me up - and that the ground on which I was standing, was far more stable than I thought it was. Praising God for pointing this out to me - then I went for the long drive, to show my love and respect for my friend, who had just passed on - I felt, that God knew exactly, that I needed this time to myself in the car, praying for my friends in their moment of grief, crying about the loss of a very gentle and kind man, who has been my surrogate father for almost 30 years, listening to Praise music and to not having to tend to impatient or fighting children, to be restored. When I got there, there was deep deep sadness.....over his passing, but also a tremendous peace in my heart, knowing that he was in Heaven now, and that we'll see each other again on the other side!!!

As you can see, God is Faithful and we can trust His Promises - ALWAYS!!! He will point them out to you along the way - We need to listen to this quiet whisper, trusting that He is near to us - even when we can't feel His presence, or even, when we think we failed Him in our unbelief!!!

Praising God tonight and forever for His Faithfulness 

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