Monday 27 February 2012

Set Free again.......from Glory to Glory!!!

Yesterday evening, as I got ready for bed, and as I start reading the passage that is this weeks Bible Study Group (SCC) focus at my church - the Lord has spoken to me through His word......and lifted me straight out of this time of distress that lasted for the last three weeks - I am set Free to Fly once again - Tears of Joy!!! Glory be to the Lord!!! Out of my own strength I couldn't have done this complete reversal of the state I was in - even though turning to Him at all times, I couldn't shake myself out of the struggle, that was raging within me - my mind ran rampant without ceasing......But Jesus calmed the storm raging inside of me, and His Spirit took my thoughts (my raging mind) captive - and set me free AGAIN.

From Glory to Glory, we're transformed into His Likeness - I know I am not there, as much as I hoped my breakthrough to this wonderful place of Grace, that I reached at the end of 2011, would be it, that I finally had arrived and could rest in His Grace forever more.

His plan is even greater than the one I had for myself - I can't wait to see it unfold, wherever that might lead me - whatever this might eventually mean. But He is not done with me yet - there is yet a deeper joy ahead!!! Praising Him for His Faithfulness. Through the latest time of testing, I learnt that I still had to let go of my fear of not measuring up on a deeper level yet. He's helped me through it. He could have let this storm pass me by, but He didn't, knowing that I needed to go through it, to grow and to reach another level of trust!!! 

God is faithful and He keeps His promises - we can trust Him with our lives and that of our loved ones - He is bigger than any of our struggles. Friends, keep hanging on, keep trusting Him, that He knows, when we're about to break and that He will provide a way through our tragedies and struggles, to create the character we need to fulfil the purpose He has for us. He, who started the work in us, will complete it. He'll never quit until He's through - and All we ever have to be, is what He made us :) - Hallelujah, Amen!!!

I love you lots, and I know, He has a plan for you, too!!! 

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