Saturday 11 February 2012


GRACE - what a great place to be!!! Amazing, through a pretty rough patch the last few days (very unsettled inside....having lost touch with the place of true Grace) - God has shown me, what living life in the grip of Grace really means:

It means that, when I am living through God's Grace alone, I am always in the flow - always in touch with what God wants from me and for me.....I am peaceful, calm, thankful and fulfilled. I look at the people I encounter with the eyes of Jesus - I see them faultless, pure....I see their potential not their failures and mistakes. Yet when I get catapulted out of this place, like I have been during the last little while, just through feeling fearful - remembering Old Patterns in family settings - I see the faults, the flaws all around me. Then again I am tempted, to feel insecure, not measuring up to the high expectations I have on myself.....forgetting, that Jesus came to set us free - not to judge and condemn, but to convict, transform and ultimately to set us free from the bondage of the world. That we may be free to live out the purpose He intended for us.

Thankfully this unsettling moment only lasted for a short little while - my soul  has been restored, to the 'factory settings' - how God Himself has created me through my Faith in Christ. Set Free and given wings to fly!!! Hallelujah - what an amazing God I serve.

Now I know, that I have to make sure, that I stay centred, and that means, to at all times have my priorities straight. That God always comes first, and that I need rest and down time.

Here is a funny analogy for you: my laptop gave out yesterday evening....I took it into the Apple Store today, they had to erase the old hard drive and reinstall the operating system. After that was done, and I was back in the car, I somewhat felt renewed inside as well - probably because I was praying constantly and telling Him, that I absolutely needed His All Surpassing Peace again - that I didn't like what was going on inside of me - it felt as if God had erased this frazzled and unsettled me, and reinstalled His Peace and His Grace on my personal Hard Drive.

Yesterday, when I wrote my last blog, I had just surfaced from having been cornered into fear again, and God had shown me, that I really didn't have to go to this place of fear anymore.....yet a little bit of the nervousness still lingered. Now it's completely gone - it's absolutely amazing, that the lover of my soul comes through ever so quickly to rescue me. Thank you Jesus - without you I couldn't do this thing called life. I gladly surrender all my fears and worries to Him, who cares for me :)

Praise God - In Christ forever

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