Friday 23 March 2012

Darkness or Light - it's a choice!!!

Here is my post that I announced earlier today.....hope you are as excited to read it, as I am to write it :)

This morning, the Holy Spirit woke me up way before dawn, for He had something He wanted me to understand fully - so when I woke up, I prayed and read my devotions and my bible.....and through these, He showed me something very clear, and this is:

Darkness or Light, it's a choice - that's what the free will means, we have to consciously choose, to do what we know is right - and all things can either be God inspired (the narrow path) or the path of the enemy (the world's view).....from our sinful/carnal nature, which is our natural man, we might know, what is right, but due to desires we choose to do what is wrong, and then beat us up for it.....if we give in frequently, the downward spiral continues, but if we follow the lead of the Holy Spirit, and do what is right/honest and true we exercise our spiritual muscle and the next time temptation lurks around, and tries to convince us to do the wrong thing - mind you though, we can always justify our actions and make them look right in our eyes........but by their fruit you will recognize them....the fruit of the Holy Spirit are amongst others: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience and self control....if you don't possess any or many of these, but instead are feeling anxious, afraid, can be sure, that the enemy is having you good.

Anyway, this morning, as I went for my walk with my dog....and poured my heart out to God about the situation regarding my family, He made me realize, that all things under the sky, here on earth can be either motivated my the voice of Light, or the voice of darkness.....which one are you listening to??? For me this morning it was - to my own dismay a twofold answer: generally I listen to the voice of light, but in one area, the enemy had tricked me into believing the voice of darkness, masquerading as the voice of light. Yesterday I needed to buy a pair of shoes for my son, and I saw a very nice pair of high heels, at a bargain price, so without thinking much, I added them to my purchase - yet, when I got home, somehow I felt that doubt was creeping into my heart regarding an e-mail I had received earlier.... - the enemy had gotten in, through the hedge of protection, that God has put around me, due to me overspending.....for I really didn't need that extra pair of shoes - it may not be a big thing, but it's important, that even in the little things, we don't trip. We are made for so much more - and, if we keep tripping over the small things continuously, we will eventually trip over bigger things....and the serpent is very cunning in deceiving us, and then we will be cheated out of our true purpose and our eternal heritage. As for me and my house: I will not allow this!!!

My resolve was clear: I am not defined through the things I have, that money can buy, but I am defined by what God says about me - and that is, that I am His Masterpiece, that He delights over me with singing!!! Today I returned the shoes - because I will not just talk the talk, but walk the walk, and with this I can not allow the enemy of my soul to have a stronghold over me.....

The Peace that I received through this resolve and the action to pull through is worth far more, than what those shoes could have ever given me (even if I have to admit, that they did look good on me ;)) - I would have been a target for the enemy in the future - buying shoes in itself are not bad - but it's important, that we let God in in these decisions, too, and discern, which voice is it, we're listening to, and make sure to obey the voice of the light - if it's life eternal in Heaven we're seeking, that is.......but I know, that this is what I am seeking and I will not be had by the enemy of my soul ever again, and I hope you choose the light as well.

My prayer tonight is, that the voice of Light will be heard and obeyed more and more, and that the spiritual growth we obtain through acting upon it, will drown out the voice of the darkness once and for all. 

In Christ, your sister in the Lord

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