Saturday 24 March 2012

God is a relational God indeed....

Here we go again - this is the second part of my revelation this morning....whilst being out for the walk with my doggie this morning, the Holy Spirit has shown me another vital truth:

Our relationships suffer greatly when we fall prey to the schemes of the enemy - when we start believing the lies of the world - such as that we're entitled to happiness, or this much money as child or spousal support, or we think, that the other person has to do this or that for us, because we have done this or that for them - WRONG ATTITUDE..... - the red light has to immediately go on in our hearts and minds - for, and this is the truth, there is no entitlement - we do not deserve anything from anybody at any given time - what ever we are given from the people in our lives, or through donations or institutions was a gift....either inspired through the voice of light in that particular moment to bless and free us from bondage or inspired from the voice of darkness, to hold us captive. All blessings are from God - working through the people around us - and when we accept them in the spirit of gratitude, we will be even more blessed.

Listening to the lies of the world, such as: in order to be happy, you need this car, this house or this spouse, this weight, this dress, or the possibility to travel, this approval from the people around you, compromises your relationships (family mainly - cause family is not by conscious choice, like we choose friendships)......and the bond of blood is stronger than water, but often more confrontational, cause we have spent all our life together, so we know the weaknesses and the faults, and siblings are jealous and ruthless, when it comes to gaining the approval of the parents or vice-versa, but we also share a bond of a past of joy and laughter, and we share our memories - good or bad, which creates a bond that is deeper than friendship - that frightens the enemy hugely - because as a family united in love we are a force the world can't shake....therefore the serpent's goal is, to thwart/sever our family bonds (it was like that in the Garden of Eden and it is like this today).

Through the development over the last month and a half, my life has been transformed tremendously once again - my best friend, Jesus that is, has drawn me yet closer, and has purified me to another level of Glory all over I am no longer afraid of the schemes of the enemy/the world, as I am safe in the arms of the One, who promised, that He would never leave me nor forsake me, the One, who promised, that He had a plan for me, a plan to prosper me and not to harm me - a plan to give me a hope and a future - the One who tells me, that He is rejoicing over me with singing, that He lives in me, and that I am His Masterpiece, created in His image - fearfully and wonderfully made in my mother's womb - I ask you, how much more wonderful does it need to get, before we finally let go of the things of this world - and I am not saying, that our lives are now reduced to living a life ruled by religious laws - leading a dull life......quite the contrary is true: My life has never been more exciting and promising - actually this is what Christ promises us, that in Him we have life and we have it to the fullest. 

There is such freedom in surrendering our life to Jesus - there is peace in obedience to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, there is Joy, in honouring our Father in Heaven - all of the sudden we are free of addictions (food, overspending, approval of our peers, computer games, alcohol...whatever you are struggling with, add it here...) and the real thing can happen.....relationships happen on a much deeper level, because we are free from addictions - not compelled by desires, which create an emptiness in our hearts - an emptiness that stays with us throughout our entire life, until we fill it with God.....all of the sudden there is Peace, Love flowing freely.....we change from self-centred to outward focused - we enter into meaningful relationships, where it's more about giving and loving the other, than getting.....that's when relationships can happen. Before it's just a counterfeit.....we need this person to give us self worth, to justify our existence....

My biggest present, that I received from my heavenly father - from the lover of my soul, is an amazing relationship with my children.....remember, I thought my son needed a God moment, to change his ways - WRONG AGAIN.... - it was me, who needed it.... Now, that I closed the door to the temptation of the world, I am able to relate to them in ever new ways.....I am calm and patient in our day to day struggles, like getting to school on time, getting my son to do his homework.... (I don't loose my temper - no more yelling....WOW, I can hardly believe it, but it's the truth). This is what God longs for with us - He wants to be our closest friend.....He is Love, and Love is patient, Love is kind, Love never boasts, Love is not jealous, never proud nor rude, it doesn't demand it's own way, Love is not irritable, Love does not keep a record of being wronged, Love doesn't rejoice about injustice , but rejoices, whenever the truth wins out, Love never gives up and never looses faith, and lastly, Love endures through every circumstance.....Wow, wow and again wow - it's amazing, how obeying the Holy Spirit consistently brings forth these qualities in us..... - Mind you, friends, I am still far from perfect, but with surrendering my will to the Will of the Father, I will be less and less likely to fall prey to temptation, in His word, God promises, that He will provide the strength to withstand the temptation - that's yet another one of His promises I can lean on. I am speechless (thankfully I can still write ;))

Okay here now the the last piece of the revelation.....remember, what Jesus said to the rich man, when he asked, what he had to do, in order to be his disciple? He told the man, that he had to let go of his biggest idol (his riches) - which He told His disciples, that it was easier for a camel to pass through the ear of a needle, than for a rich man to let go of his wealth - yet the seed was planted in the rich man....Jesus knew that the seed hat to take root and grow..... - this morning in my prayer time during my walk, I confessed that I had also made money an idol for many years - not hugely, but still.....there is no small sin or big sin - sin is sin.....and I was guilty of it!!! But as God grants us forgiveness, believing Jesus is the Son of God, and that He died for our sins, just for the asking - I asked, and I received His forgiveness and as a result I returned the shoes - my mind was still for a short little while trying to reason with me.....that I might never find such shoes at such an amazing price - even the sales lady said that.....but you know what, the price is too high, if I consider the Peace and the promise for the crown of life that I will receive at the end of the race set before me, when I persevere and do what I am asked to do, when I am asked to do it, that I have in Christ - I simply cannot afford them!!!!

Good night my friends - I love you tremendously and again I pray for you, that more often than not, you will choose to listen to the voice of light - and not give in to the voice of darkness.

In Christ - with eternal love

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