Friday, 18 May 2012

I Repent.....

Good Morning my friends - this is the Day that the Lord has made - Let us rejoice and be glad in it!!! I love you all very much, and I believe that Christ has put this endless love for all mankind into my heart to help you find Him. He was and is and is to come - He has been with ALL of US since the beginning of time, and He will bring us back into His loving Arms, so that we will have eternity with Him!!!

This morning in my quiet time, God revealed to me, that I hadn't loved my Ex husband the way He wanted me to - through the song 'Tainted Love' that's going through my head these days.....and the fact that he (my Ex) is visiting right now, He (Christ that is) had been pointing me to this truth - again very lovingly - because that's just the way He is :). I know today, that it's true - deep down in my heart I wasn't ready - even though I had fallen in love, I don't think I was ready to truly LOVE again. I didn't know that then, but I know it today. There were 2 things, I did wrong - where I wasn't in His will:

1. I didn't trust God to either reunite me with the one I thought He has brought into my life for good, or to trust Him, to bring me another one, I could love as deeply. I took matters in my own little hands - thus stepping out from under His will :s

2. Because I wasn't ready to Love again, or should I rather say, because my heart was still captured by another man, I didn't give my husband my all, that he would have deserved and needed, to come into his own. I did love him ok, but that's never good enough - Love is too precious to waste. And I know I never gave Him the respect he longed for. 

So I took this to my precious Jesus this morning, and we cried together for the years of pain and longing for fulfilment through the wrong channels - now that I have found Him, I don't look any further - His Love is enough. Today I know, that if He has a plan for me to be married again, He will provide. The one who finds me, through following His Heart and Christ, will be the perfect one for me - my forever husband to live happily ever after.

Love is Holy, Love is from God, Christ paid the price for Love, so we have to freely give it, and we have to give it whole heartedly, anything tainted is not good enough. Since we as mere humans can't do that, we have to give it to God, and let the Holy Spirit take over - we have to trust Him with our entire life, and not keep snippets of it to ourselves - in our own control.

My dear friends, I believe that this is my last blog under this title, I believe this chapter of my life is closed - I am ready to embrace my destiny today - I believe He will still have me write, as this is His gift to me.....and it's what I do, to bring Him, my friends, I am not deserting you - I never could, but I have to see, where He wants me to go, as all I want is to be in His perfect will for me - and you for that matter. So stay tuned, I will keep you posted here, when the new blog is up!!! I already got a name :) - Yielding to the Spirit (In the Name of the Father!!!)

God bless you - You are amazing in His sight, never forget that!!! He created you in His image, and we all have a Purpose!!!

I love you very much and I pray for you always - 
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ,

P.S. Just wanted to tell you, that I spoke to my Ex husband and apologized for not loving him enough and not the perfect way I should have, and asked his forgiveness. Now we're free to move on!!!

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