Friday, 11 May 2012

Shine for Jesus.......

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Light, the Alpha and the Omega - Yes, my friends, He sure is......when we let the Holy Spirit guide us.......we will find Him. With Him, everything makes sense. When I look back on all my life, I can see Him using absolutely Everything for the best of me, and I am grateful beyond anything I could have ever imagined myself being.

He can and will use everything for your best, if you let Him. Over the last 8 months, I have learnt, that my hardest lessons and times where those, when He was working on my behalf the most......and for my family (my little cell and my extended family) - Thank you Jesus!!! He is the perfecter of our Faith......He certainly has perfected my Faith over these last 8 months. When nothing else held together anymore, and I had to rely solely on His providence and His promises, He freed my from the bondage I was in. With regards to the situation with my son, I was so fearful, where this all might deep despair, that I might not be able to protect him, save him........only to find out, that that was never my job to begin with - It was God's.........and He has provided everything we needed. Today my relationship with him (my son) is one of Trust, Grace and Love. He laughs a lot - actually we laugh a lot together. - we joke a lot, and he listens to me and I give him my undivided attention. The talks we have are great fun.

When I was pregnant with my son, I knew, that I was expecting a boy, but I was hugely afraid of having a boy - afraid I couldn't love him enough, as the men around me, when I grew up, have scared and scarred me deeply......I didn't know, if I could relate to a boy at all - if I even wanted to....

Today, I've come full circle - the relationships to my earthly father is healed and restored, ditto for my brother........and I love my son from the bottom of my heart. All this could not have happened, had it not been, for Jesus, to change me from the inside out. All my fears are washed away.

Jesus truly is the Way, the Truth and the Light - the freedom we are given in Christ is absolutely life altering, transformational...........I am gonna shine for Jesus until the end of my time here on Earth :)

God bless you all my friends - In Christ Jesus forever

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