Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Epic Moments.....

Remember when I spoke of my personal Cinderella Moment - well, in the meantime I was blessed with an Empress Sissi of Habsburg Moment:

At the Dance Competition there was a little 5 year old girl that came on stage to dance a Ballet Solo - (at 5 years old) - WOW!!! She was dancing to the 'Radetzky Marsch' - which is an Epic song for me, it originates in Austria. It is played at the 'Neujahrskonzert' in Vienna every year - growing up with a family that loves horses - my dad and my brother competed in Horse Jumping Shows - most of the time for the Honour's Round after the competition, when you placed, they'd ride their horses around the arena or rink to this music and the spectators would clap - to make a long story short.......already when she started dancing to the music, my tears welled up. Then she forgot what to do and went off the stage. 

She came back just before adjudication, to tray again (already a Huge accomplishment for a girl this small - God bless her heart for it). The entire auditorium clapped.....when they stopped clapping, I just went on clapping  - a) I thought she deserved this, b) this March calls for this kind of Honour.......after a little while everybody joined in and the entire auditorium clapped throughout the entire dance - I had tears in my eyes - as I thought about Sissi - do you guys know the movie - the Empress, when she clapped in the Opera for the singing of the audience, which was extremely rude and out of place, the aristocracy had sent their servants instead of showing up themselves.....

That's what I call being bold for Love (aka being bold for Jesus) - even though at first you feel awkward, but you know, what you do is right, then, when other people join in, your heart is overflowing - in such moments, Christ is present in you.....what a gift. I am deeply blessed.

God wants to give us these epic moments  - He gave me another one that same afternoon: one dance was to the song 'Eternal Flame' - it wasn't scheduled until the next day, but God wanted me to hear it, as it has been my favourite song for years, yet I almost forgot it......it's not played that much anymore - when I heard that song, I was weeping openly....moved to tears. Today I know: Yes, this burning is an eternal flame - it is the Eternal Flame of Love - the Love Jesus brought to this world. It's a gift from Heaven to Love Eternally. Amy Grant sings in 'The feeling I had' about twin hearts - I know the feeling, as I had it once......I believe, the Eternal Flame is when two twin hearts unite - when the Happily Ever After happens with your eternal Bridegroom - either this side of Heaven or the other side!!! That's the stuff the fairy tales are made of, to keep the Eternal Flame Burning.

Praying for you my friends, that you might recognize that Eternal Flame in your twin heart - it's easy to define: it's when you're loved, like Christ loved the Church - when you are loved for who you are, and not for who the other person thinks you should be, or if he or she seeks to find the love they crave. True love is about loving the other like Christ loved us - when we die to self, and turn our focus outward to love others, we're on the right track to find the Happily Ever After. The determining factor is the kind of love, is it Christ's Love shining through the eyes of the other person or not!!!

With this I gotta start my day - I need to relax some more, enjoy the time to myself in Christ a bit more - my day off only lasts until 4:00 pm today :) - and then my carriage turns back into a pumpkin :D

I love you my friends - may God reach out to your hearts and hold it safe in the palm of His hand - Your Destiny is safe in His hands. Be blessed today and conquer the world.



  1. Tanja,
    Love the style in which you write, very flowing like you´re talking and telling straight from the heart.
    Keep on going!

  2. Thanks Rosalie :) - I promise, I will!!!
